Striking Gold

a blog dedicated for all sport enthusiastic

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Latest in Mix Martial Arts


The Evolution of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

Adrian "Nano" Alvarez
September 8, 2023

Step into the cage with us as we embark on a thrilling expedition through the dynamic evolution of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). From its ancient roots as diverse combat practices to the electrifying spectacles of the present day, join us in uncovering the intricate journey of this exhilarating and ever-evolving combat discipline.


MMA in the Military: Forging Warriors in and out of the Octagon

Dayana "Good Day" Abuin
September 8, 2023

Uncover the profound fusion of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and military training, where the crucible of combat skills and unwavering mental resilience forges a new breed of warrior leaders. Dive into the synergy between these disciplines as they shape individuals who exemplify strength, adaptability, and strategic prowess, destined to lead with unwavering determination both inside and beyond the battlefield.


Rise of the Eagle: The Inspiring Journey of Khabib Nurmagomedov

Dayana "Good Day" Abuin
September 8, 2023

Explore the remarkable journey of Khabib The Eagle Nurmagomedov, a true embodiment of determination, skill, and resilience in the world of mixed martial arts (MMA). Khabib's story traces back to the rugged landscapes of Dagestan, Russia, where he was raised in a family of wrestlers. Under the guidance of his father, he absorbed the values of discipline, respect, and hard work that would fuel his rise to greatness.


Rising Globally: The Phenomenal Expansion of MMA

Adrian "Nano" Alvarez
September 8, 2023

Uncover the incredible journey of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) as it transcends borders, cultures, and disciplines to become a worldwide phenomenon that has redefined the landscape of combat sports. MMA, a dynamic fusion of various martial arts disciplines, has undergone a remarkable transformation from an underground spectacle to a mainstream sensation. While its roots can be traced back to ancient forms of combat, it was the modernization and standardization of rules that propelled MMA into the global spotlight.


Latest in Boxing


Boxing Through the Ages

Adrian "Nano" Alvarez
September 8, 2023

Step into the ring as we embark on an immersive journey through the captivating tapestry of boxing's rich history. From its ancient origins as a test of strength and skill to the emergence of modern-day legends, we delve deep into the storied evolution of this timeless combat sport.


Redefining the Ring: The Rise of Female Boxing

Adrian "Nano" Alvarez
September 8, 2023

Embark on a captivating exploration of the remarkable journey undertaken by female boxers, as they boldly reshape the landscape of the sport and etch their indelible legacy upon the annals of boxing history. Uncover the stories of these trailblazing athletes who have shattered barriers and redefined the boundaries of excellence in the ring.


Rising to Glory: The Inspiring Journey of Saul 'Canelo' Alvarez

Dayana "Good Day" Abuin
September 8, 2023

Discover the awe-inspiring story of Saul 'Canelo' Alvarez, a boxing sensation who emerged from humble beginnings to become a global icon and inspiration. Canelo's journey begins in the streets of Guadalajara, Mexico, where a young boy named Saul Alvarez faced the challenges of poverty and adversity. Through sheer determination and the unwavering support of his family, he found his calling in boxing—a path that would ultimately transform his life.


From Clicks to Knockouts: The Rise of YouTubers in Boxing

Adrian "Nano" Alvarez
September 8, 2023

Discover the fascinating collision of digital fame and boxing as we delve into the unexpected rise of YouTubers stepping into the professional boxing ring. Renowned for their viral videos and captivating online presence, YouTubers have ventured beyond the virtual world and into the realm of real-life boxing matches. What initially began as lighthearted challenges and online pranks has metamorphosed into a genuine passion for testing physical prowess and pushing personal limits inside the ropes.


Latest in Fitness


Unlocking Performance: The Art of Strength and Conditioning for Athletes

Adrian "Nano" Alvarez
September 8, 2023

Immerse yourself in the dynamic realm of strength and conditioning, where the synergy of scientific principles and unwavering dedication propels athlete performance to unparalleled heights. Delve deep into this transformative journey that fuels champions and cultivates peak physical excellence.


Empowered and Strong: Training for Pregnant Women

Dayana "Good Day" Abuin
September 8, 2023

Discover the transformative journey of maintaining fitness and well-being during pregnancy through safe and empowering exercise strategies. Pregnancy is a time of change and growth, and exercise can play a vital role in supporting a healthy journey. Tailored workouts not only help pregnant women adapt to the physical changes but also contribute to improved mood, reduced discomfort, and an overall sense of well-being.


Unleash Your Strength: A Beginner's Guide to Powerlifting

Adrian "Nano" Alvarez
September 8, 2023

Discover the world of powerlifting, a sport that embraces the raw essence of strength, explosive power, and relentless determination. Whether you're stepping into the gym for the first time or seeking to push your boundaries as an athlete, powerlifting offers an electrifying and transformative experience. At its core, powerlifting is a competitive strength sport that revolves around three essential lifts: the squat, the bench press, and the deadlift. Unlike other fitness disciplines that prioritize aesthetics, powerlifting celebrates the sheer force and performance of lifting heavy weights.


Explosive Power: Unleashing Plyometrics for Fighters

Adrian "Nano" Alvarez
September 8, 2023

Embark on a journey into the world of plyometrics, a training methodology that promises to unlock explosive power, speed, and agility for fighters across various combat sports. Discover how integrating plyometric exercises into your training arsenal can propel your combat skills to unprecedented levels, revolutionizing your performance inside the ring or cage.

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Elevating Excellence: Essential Business Tools for Fitness Coaches

Dayana "Good Day" Abuin
September 8, 2023

Embark on a journey to revolutionize and elevate your fitness coaching business with an arsenal of indispensable tools designed to streamline operations, enhance client experiences, and amplify your impact. Explore the transformative potential of cutting-edge technological solutions and organizational resources that empower fitness coaches to navigate the complexities of modern business. The digital landscape has reshaped the way fitness coaches engage with clients and promote their expertise. Harness the power of websites, social media platforms, and email marketing to forge meaningful connections, showcase your skills, and disseminate valuable content that resonates with your target audience.


Unleashing Tomorrow: The Future of Online Training and New Technologies

Dayana "Good Day" Abuin
September 8, 2023

Embark on an exhilarating journey into the boundless possibilities of online training and emerging technologies, as the fitness world embraces an era of unprecedented transformation. Discover how the synergy of virtual platforms, artificial intelligence, and immersive experiences is propelling fitness enthusiasts and professionals toward a future defined by innovation, personalization, and limitless potential. As the horizon of fitness expands, the future of online training holds the promise of a global fitness community without geographical constraints. Evolving virtual platforms erase borders, providing access to elite coaching, specialized programs, and a diverse network of individuals united by a common passion for health and wellness.

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Striking Gold

Welcome to Striking Gold, your ultimate destination for all things combat sports, with a specialized focus on the thrilling world of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). We are more than just a blog; we are a passionate community of fight enthusiasts, dedicated to bringing you the latest news, insightful analysis, and captivating stories from the front lines of combat sports.